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    C Y N O S U R E  E L I T E  MPX  L A S E R

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The CynoSure Elite MPX laser delivers targeted light frequencies for permanent hair reduction. Treatments are individually tailored based on skin color and hair type. Laser hair removal is safe, effective, and sensitive enough to be used on any body area.

H A I R  R E M O V A L

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Optimal results are achieved after a series of 6 treatments. You will see a gradual reduction of unwanted hair with each treatment. Treatments occur 4-6 weeks apart.

After six treatments, the trained technician evaluates the area(s) and determines if further treatments are necessary.

Because our bodies are covered with millions of dormant hair follicles, over time some of those hair follicles may resurface out of dormancy and begin growth. Touch up treatments may be required for best results.

  W  H  A  T   T  O

 E X P E C T

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Treatments are described as comfortable, however, some patients experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation.


Our laser is equipped with cooling air to reduce any discomfort.


A cold gel will be applied on the area of treatment to make the procedure more comfortable. Some patients may prefer to use a topical anesthetic when sensitive areas are treated.


A protective eye shield will be provided to you during your treatment. A snapping sound can be heard while the laser is being used; bringing headphones is encouraged.

  Y O U R   T R E A T M E N T

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BEFORE:  Hair should be cleanly shaven 1-3 days prior to your appointment. Do not wear makeup on the treated area the day of treatment. No waxing, plucking or tweezing at least four weeks prior to treatment otherwise the procedure will not be effective.  Do not use any self-tanners four weeks prior to hair removal and avoid sun exposure. Avoid treatments that may irritate your skin 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (ie. chemical peels, harsh chemicals, etc.)

* If you have a history of herpes or cold sores, you may need an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment.

AFTER:  Avoid sun exposure and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to prevent further sun damage.  Redness and slight swelling in the treatment area are common and resolve with time.  Bruising is less common but may occur and will resolve with time.  Hair may take up to two weeks to fall out.  Avoid heat – hot tubs, saunas, etc. for 1-2 days. Avoid skin irritants such as products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc.  Please remember to follow the recommended skin care regimen provided in our office.

* Hair removal requires a series of treatments. The number of treatments depends on body location and type of hair.

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